Lake Macquarie Dance Academy/Petitestars
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Welcome to
Lake Macquarie Dance Academy

From pre-schoolers turning into Princess Ballerinas to teens discovering the beauty of pure ballet, LMDA cherishes the dancer within each student.
At LMDA your child will receive the finest foundations to dance throughout their life.


Children under the age of 5, please use enrolment form provided on our Preschool Page.


Petitestars Preschool Dance Academy provides excellent classical ballet classes for students of all ages through the Royal Academy of Dance syllabus.


Our specialised pre school program caters for girls and boys 2 to 5 years old.


At Petitestars Preschool Dance Academy we are proud of our outstanding contemporary and lyrical dance program.


Our jazz classes are exciting, energetic & includes our hiphop program that teaches the coolest moves around.


Our tap classes cater from preschool to adult and are an enjoyable and fun style of dance through the Pullars Unique Tap Technique syllabus.


Ballet contemporary and tap for all levels of experience, and a fun way to keep fit.


A vibrant and energetic class to enhance performance skills and develop confidence in every child.


We provide a full and comprehensive dance education that will prepare students for their future endeavours.

Every class is designed to enrich students, nurturing them to their full potential and a lifelong love of dance.

Not sure which class will be perfect for your child? We’d love to learn more about your dancer – Contact us for more info.

Our passion is helping dancers soar to great heights – like LMC alumni Brayden Gallucci who has achieved great success as the overall winner of the Isobel Anderson awards, Prix de Lausanne finalist, Genee silver medallist and current student at the Royal Ballet School London.

We have pre-school jazz, tap and musical theatre that will also inspire your budding little dancer!

At Petitestars Preschool Dance Academy we aim to inspire a lifelong love of dance and music, giving confidence and purpose that continues throughout each child’s life.